Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Slide

Yesterday while out riding with The Pudy I told her we could stop at the park so she could play on the slide. Unfortunately she fell asleep about four minutes before ariving at the park so we skipped the slide and went home. [I happen to know from experience that if she doesn't get her nap it's no fun for anyone.] Turns out she has a memory like her mother because all night and all morning I kept hearing her repeat over and over, "Slide Daddy?" "Slide?" "Slide Daddy?" This coupled with the fact that every time Zaheeda was sick of her bothering her she would say, "Why don't you go ask daddy if he'll take you sliding." Needless to say our lunch ride headed to the park so we could go on the slide. And Annah learned a valuable lesson: If you nag for something long and incessantly enough you will eventually get it.

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