Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ear Infection

Annah had her checkup yesterday and she still has a small ear infection so she is back on the antibiotics until it gets cleared up. Her next checkup is after Christmas so hopefully she'll have this think licked by then. She took her flu booster shot with not too much screaming.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Trash Can

Annah was in our bedroom playing on the bed the other day when for a brief moment Maya thought I was watching her and I thought Maya was watching her. In this short time she crawled over to the side of the bed, tried reaching for something on the nightstand, flipped off the bed and landed headfirst in the trash can. Fortunately her fall was broken by a bunch of old diapers and other miscellaneous trash. We puller her out, wiped off the tea grounds out of her hair and she was good as new.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


This is Annah in the pen - the place she goes when her behavior becomes unmanageable. It's mainly designed as a form of punishment more so than any kind of rehabilitation, she's not going to leave with her GED or anything.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008


Annah is making the slow and gradual transition from squirming around to crawling around. This afternoon she pulled herself up on her hands and knees, held the pose for a considerable amount of time, gazed about the room with a look of earnest intent, as if to say, "I'm up! Now it's merely a question of where do I want to go?"