Saturday, February 27, 2010

Joe's Crab Shack

Annah didn't like it when the waitress at Joe's put this bib on her - like Annah is some kind of baby or something...

Annah and Claire

Friday afternoon Maya's friend Claire was over for a couple hours and that meant Annah had someone new to play with too.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Shopping til' she drops

Ohhhh big sale on shoes at the Land's End inlet at Sears. Annah wouldn't ride in her stroller and insisted on carrying her own bag. The problem was that the bag was big and heavy which meant she had to drag it. She really needs to look into getting some shopping assistants to help her with these matters.

Now that I think about it, it was right about where this picture was taken that Zaheeda started going into labor with Annah. Suddenly it all makes sense - Annah wanted to get out early and do a little shopping.

Nap time

This is Annah getting ready for her noon nap. Being that it is Wednesday that means re-watching Lost online looking for clues that we missed last night.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Zaheeda's hats

Zaheeda is having a hard time keeping her hats. Maya wears them and inevitably losses them and now Annah is getting in on the action.

Friday, February 19, 2010

After her nap

After waking up from her nap this afternoon Annah came walking back upstairs with her Elmo bath toy. She seemed to have Elmo on the brain so I pulled up an Elmo show on the computer and we watched a little - it was a special on how to put on your coat. Annah thought it was a great show even though she already know how to put on her coat it never hurts to do a little review.

Making of the Christmas card

This is little photo montage video showing what Maya has to go trough to try and get Annah to sit still for the Christmas card picture. It's no easy task. How we do it is Maya tries to hold Annah still while smiling and looking at the camera while I keep snapping pictures in hope that one of them will look like they are both sitting nicely for the picture.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Potty Training

Annah is trying to get the whole potty training thing down. Yesterday she took her diaper off and pooped on the floor so we took this as a sign that she might be ready to start directing that poop in its propper place. We brought up the potty from the basement and she was really excited about the prospect of going like a big girl. She sat down, peed and thus immediately took her enthusiasm to an entirely new level - so much so that she refused to put a diaper back on and insisted on walking around pant less carrying her potty. Maya loaned her a pair of underwear which really made her feel like a big girl, in fact she went so far as to put on two pairs of Maya's underwear thereby I suppose making her a "really big girl!" It remains to be seen if she is truly ready to make the great leap into underwear just yet - what is most likely driving this is the hope of both her parents to be free of having to fork over $35 on diapers every time we walk into Target.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pudy at the Mall

Here's another picture of Annah at the Mall. She doesn't like to ride in the stroller anymore - she wants to run - and run free.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Shopzilla on the prowl

Springtime is right around the corner and our little fashionista doesn't have anything in the closet. She's embarrased to admit it but she is no longer fitting into her 2T's....

Here she is looking at dresses at Sears

and this is a lovely polka dot number...

of course she could always use a nice pair of khaki shorts..

Monday, February 8, 2010

Out with Annah & Bell

This afternoon I pulled Annah and Bell to the bus stop to meet Maya. We've had snow all day.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Pudy wearing her hand me down dragon fly sweatshirt of Maya's. Poor little Annah doesn't get much when it comes to new clothes.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Before heading off to Wisconsin Friday we stopped for lunch at Davanni's for pizza. Annah is so-so on the pizza, but she likes to pick off the black olives and eat those.